ps - - I just updated the blog with a computer completely died several days ago ...again...this time data was saved but I had to reinstall all drivers and software...Vista sure sucks! Anyway this is a photo of chapter 10 I believe - where our hero begins to figure out who the murderer really is... I see you missed photos of the Ox Roast and Blood Drive and a few other chapters...oh can 'read' it all later.
Well it was a productive morning...four hours of continuing education for my CFP as well as weaving to the end of my warp. I even had enough time to untie the shoelaces at the beginning of the piece; my least favorite task of all.
This is the loom with my woven mystery story on it. I never knew how much warp was on the loom since I had put it on years ago and forgot about it. But it turned out I had enough warp to weave up to the middle of chapter 11...only a chapter and a half plus an epilogue to go. But those pieces will have to be on a new warp along with a sample to send in with the entry form, a key to the characters and events plus some contrasting border material. I will tie it on...should be quite easy. Tie a new red warp to the old red, a new violet to the old, a new gold to the new, etc.
So before wet finishing I have a bit over 16 feet of yardage about 22 inches wide. I need to check all the edges of the correction tape that I wove in to make sure it won't come out in the wash. I am going to trim the ends of the bamboo weft which hang out the sides so they won't catch on anything. I quickly discovered that weaving in the bamboo ends messed up the pattern and distorted the stripes so I stopping doing that. I just tied off an old color at the edge and tied on a new color. There are lots of color changes and hence lots of loose ends. I will probably serge the edges so everything is nice and neat in the finished jacket....
I'll take a photo post wet finishing. It looks good now however, mostly greens and reds. I would have expected mostly greens and purples...given that the green is the hero and the purple is the villian but the reds look really good.
Ah, they all looks good. Should be a nice piece.