Sunday, January 25, 2009

Robert Burns

It's Robert Burns Day, the national poet of Scotland from the 1700's. To celebrate we had haggis, mash potatoes and turnips, peas and a bit of scotch.

We did not follow the formalities of the traditional Burns Supper.

We did however eat haggis.

Our version came in a can and required four minutes in the microwave. It kinda looked and smelled like a lamb flavored dog food. It actually did not taste bad; seemed like a combination of lamb liver, oatmeal and spices. Just goes to show how easy it is to exceed the lowest of low expectations.

I survived haggis and was able to weave another day.


Anonymous said...

To see Larry and Haggis both on the same page with the Cyber/Fiber Blog was quite a stretch for my imagination. But it must be, that I was truly blessed with this vision.

Anonymous said...

And who played the bagpipes?