Thursday, March 27, 2014

Do you have what it takes to be a Designing Weaver?

One of my favorite art groups I belong to is Designing Weavers.  It is the one group that really inspires me to do more creative, more intricate, more professional... well...inspired to do all together better artwork.  I come back from meetings hyped and inspired and my latest creations clearly have been influenced by the group.

Anyway, once a year we jury a few new members into the group.  Now is your chance to come visit a Designing Weavers meeting and see if you have what it takes to be a Designing Weaver.

Here is the press release with the details...


Membership Period Opens for Designing Weavers

Designing Weavers is currently seeking artists who:

·       Enjoy sharing their joy of fiber with others
·       Whose fiber creations have a sense of style and expertise
·       Who wish to take a professional approach to their art
·       And want to be challenged to take their work to a higher level.

Designing Weavers, a nationally recognized group of fiber artists, is a vital organization with a long history of encouraging excellence in the fiber community.  All members are juried into the group and actively participate in the organization while striving to improve their individual level of creative achievement.   Designing Weavers began in the early 1970s with a small group of women coming together to share their knowledge of weaving. The group continues to be a strong force in the art and design community and contains a number of nationally known fiber teachers, artists and designers.  Check out our current members at

One benefit of membership is the camaraderie with other respected fiber artists, many of whom attribute advances in their work to inspiration gained from the group dialogues.  The members’ interactions often provide insights into methods of meeting artistic challenges and discovering new ways of working.

The yearly project offers opportunities to grow and develop as an artist.  Hearing how other members approach a new work, make plans, develop the piece, overcome difficulties met along the way, and create a display mechanism is very inspirational and fuels their collective creativity.  Honing personal presentation skills among friendly colleagues and getting constructive feedback is an added benefit. 

Designing Weavers continues to be dynamic by encouraging individual development and providing opportunities to showcase the group’s collective work.  The stability and strength of Designing Weavers comes from the accomplishments and commitments of the diverse membership.

Do you wonder whether you have what it takes to be a Designing Weaver?
Come to a meeting and find out!

Fiber artists interested in joining Designing Weavers must visit either the April 23rd or the May 28th meeting and provide a short introduction to their work.  The meetings are in the evening from 6:30 – 9pm with an optional dinner at 5.

After attending one meeting any fiber artist who wishes to be considered for membership beginning the following year (commencing in September of each year) should submit a short resume of his/her fiber art experience along with samples or photographs (not slides) to the Membership Chair no later than June 30. Regular meeting attendance is required throughout the year in order to maintain membership. Meetings are held in Los Angeles, CA, nine times a year.

If you are interested in joining please contact Carollee Howes, the current President of Designing Weavers at   

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