Sunday, October 25, 2009

At the Movies

Haven't much been into weaving lately... I hurt my back lifting a piece a paper and the pain seems to have sapped the creativity and drive right out of me.

But on a more positive note, my DH and our dogs sat down to watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua last night. Tippy, our three year old chi/min pin. mix was absolutely fascinated for about 50 minutes and then slept through the remaining 40 minutes.

We also have a chihuahua that looks just like the one on the screen. LOL.


Life Looms Large said...

Bummer about your back! I hope it feels better soon!! (And don't you wish you'd hurt it doing something more climbing or ballet dancing or something!?

Our dog doesn't watch TV much, but sometimes if a nature show has animal sounds he gets really interested. Then barks. Not so fun!

Feel better!!


Peg in South Carolina said...

Lifting a piece of paper??????????? I assume that was the straw that broke the camel's back.....well, your back. Been there more than once. I empathize. Take care and don't get started back too quickly.