Friday, August 28, 2009

A Split Harmony Sampler

Here is a small sampler I did in taquete with three colors of sewing thread. I wanted to see how many shades of purple and green I could come up with by varying the colors coming to the surface in each spot.

I was inspired by the woven tapestry on page 163 of the Fiber and Color book by Lambert. It was a piece done in red and green illustrating small areas of color producing optical mixing and larger areas creating color shifts by simultaneous contrast.

My piece is less than 4.5 inches by 3 inches but was quite complex to weave. There are sixteen permutations I came up with. I wove a solid purple on the edges and a solid green in the middle so I could more easily compare the permutations with the solid color.

This should be useful in improving my textile designs. In some ways the results are obvious...but this sampler is a visual reminder of the variety of shades of a color one can make by varying the quantity of a hue next to another. Plus, with the 'key' it will allow me to easily import the appropriate shade into my designs.

The results are so interesting I am going to do the same thing over in analogous colors of the same values to see the blending of more similar colors.


Karen said...

Nice and having a reminder of the 'possibilities' is really good.......

Peg in South Carolina said...
