Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weekend Workshop

I am packed and ready to roll...weave that is..loom is warped at 10 epi, I found an awl as well as a mirror. Yarn is dyed and and packed in value order. Yup. Ready to roll. I am taking a tapestry workshop this weekend on Color Blending with Tapestry with Tricia Goldberg.

We are to:

learn how to achieve certain effects in tapestry by combining colors that can be subtle or high contrast. Colors can be blended by combining different colors on a bobbin or with weaving techniques and patterns. Beginning students will learn full pass techniques, while more advanced students can use half pass techniques and begin experimentation. Students can try also try interesting things with color using eccentric weft, weaving that varies from the horizontal line...

Sounds like fun! I will, of course, let you know how it goes.

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